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Applied DSGE-modelling

Bank of Lithuania, 2016 march, 2017 summer

This course gives an overview of the applied RBC and DSGE models. Beyond the standard theory, we discuss the potential extension of DSGE models in order to answer policy-relevant questions e.g.: what are the possible effects of foreign indebtedness on potential growth? what is the role of price stickiness in short-run cyclical fluctuations? how to model different monetary (and exchange rate) regimes? what are the trade-offs between monetary regimes? how could we implement additional fiscal instruments and non-Ricardian features into the DSGE-models? 


Weekly materials here

Graduate courses

Macroeconomics II: Open-Economy Macroeconomics

Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Economics

MA 2nd year, 2016 fall, 2017 fall

The primary goal of the course is to provide an overview of the main modern open-economy models. It helps developing the students' technical skills (problem-solving and MATLAB programming). The course connects the theory with applications and discusses the policy implications of typical open-economy macro questions e.g.: what are the reasons for current account problems in emerging economies? what are the possible effects of foreign indebtedness on potential growth? how to model different monetary (and exchange rate) regimes? what are trade-offs between monetary regimes? After the course the students will be proficient user of relevant models and able to apply them to different policy analysis and their own research.


Weekly materials here

UnderGraduate courses

Macroeconomics I: Introduction to Macroeconomics

Mathias Corvinus Collegium

BA 2nd year, 2017 fall

This introductory course covers the basic concepts and theories in macroeconomics. During this course, the students discuss the following questions and topics: What are the key determinant of long-run growth? What can explain the cross-country growth-differences? What is the effect of human capital on long-run development? What is the difference between potential growth and cyclical fluctuations? What is the effect of monetary policy and fiscal policy on short run fluctuations?


Weekly materials in Hungarian here

Macroeconomics II: Open-Economy Macroeconomics

Mathias Corvinus Collegium 

BA 2nd year, 2018 spring

This course is the continuation of the introductory course and it provides an overview of the main open-economy macro models. In this course with the simple but micro-based models the students can develop their technical skills, and through open-economy models the following questions will be answered: what are the reasons for current account problems in emerging economies? what is the relationship between the real economic convergence and real exchange rate? how to model different monetary (and exchange rate) regimes? what are the trade-offs between monetary regimes?


Weekly materials here


International Monetary Fund

Institute for Capacity Development

700 19th Street, NW 

Washington, DC 20431 






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